Candle lighting
Ba-ruch A-tah Adonai Eloheinu Melech ha-olam
She-he-chee-ya-nu v’ki-yi-ma-nu
Vi-hi-gi-ya-nu l’z-man ha-zeh Amein
Blessed art thou, Lord, our G-d, King of the universe
Who has granted us life, sustained us, and enabled us to reach this season. Amein
Passover has a message for the conscience and heart of all mankind. For what does it commemorate? It commemorates the deliverance of a people, the people of YHWH, from degrading slavery, from foul and cruel tyranny. Though wrong may triumph for a time, and even though it be perpetrated by the strong on the weak, it will meet with it's inevitable retribution, at last.
Although we, who mouth the words and recite the passages, are reliving an epoch which is believed to be peculiar to Jewish history, the drama that is Passover does not belong to a people, it is YHWH’s Passover. In John 3:16 and 17, Y’hshuwah clearly stated YHWH’s Passover has brought deliverance and salvation to all who will be His people.
Abba Eloheinu,
We have gathered on this evening, at this Seder table, in remembrance of Y’hshuwah, and to recall, retell, and re-enact the early history of Your people, Israel, who from Biblical days onward have been infused with a burning desire for freedom and for life. In this spirit, we now raise our cups to sanctify Thy Name which is YHWH and give thanks for this Holy Day of Pesach, the Passover of YHWH. b’shem Y’hshuwah HaMoshiyach Amein
Drinking of wine (juice)
Shema’ Yisrael YHWH Eloheinu YHWH Echad
Baruch shem kevod malchuto le-olam va'ed
Hear, O Yisrael: YHWH is our G-d, YHWH is One
Blessed is the Name of His glorious Kingdom for
ever and ever.
Baruch shem kevod malchuto le-olam va'ed
Hear, O Yisrael: YHWH is our G-d, YHWH is One
Blessed is the Name of His glorious Kingdom for
ever and ever.
Read John 13
Foot washing
The Four Questions:
Why is this night different from all other nights?
It is the Passover of YHWH.
Why is the food we eat and the way we eat it specifically different tonight?
Because the food and the seder are symbolic and in specific remembrance
The deliverance from Egypt was absolutely literal at that time and Egypt represents the “world” in Scripture, so Egypt is symbolic of sin and bondage.
Why do we continue to observe this night?
Because YHWH said to do so through out all generations . . . And Y’hshuwah told His followers as oft as we do it, it is in remembrance of Him looking forward to His return.
Why do we eat lamb,bitter herbs, and matzo?
Because this is the meal per the instructions of YHWH. The lamb is symbolic of The perfect Lamb, who was foreordained to shed His blood for the deliverance of YHWH’s people. The bitter herbs are symbolic of the bitterness of the bondage, that we often call security. Matzo is bread without yeast or leavening. Yeast (leavening) is symbolic of sin. So, the unleavened bread represents haste and the absence of sin as we are led out of the ways of the world and symbolic of the absence/death of our old sinful nature in the salvation and deliverance. Immediacy of the timing was and still is essential.
Read Exodus11:1-12:51
TaNaKh speaks of four types of sons. Y’hshuwah confirmed this in His parable of four kinds of soil.
Wicked – Wayside One who is simply disinterested in eternal matters and interested only in their
own selfish gain
Simple – Stony places One who has little depth
Naïve - Thorns One who is easily refocused and misdirected by surroundings and events
Wise - Goodsoil One who brings forth fruit
Every generation is duty bound to relive and retell the Exodus from Egypt.
YHWH revealed Himself to Abraham as EL Shaddai, and Isaac and Jacob referred to Him as the G-d of their father Abraham, which continued until the time of Moses. It was to Moses from a burning bush that was not consumed came The Voice that spoke The Name, YHWH, and that same Voice would command the Instructions and deliver the promise of His Passover.
But there were nine plagues upon Egypt, before the death of the firstborn.
1. Blood Exodus 7:17-25
The first plague, the water to blood. Life is in the blood,and without water we die, but the two are dramatically far from interchangeable in purpose.
2. Frogs Exodus 8:1-10
When the magicians also produced frogs . . . that intensified the problem. Exodus 8:11
indicates the frogs brought by the plague of YHWH were returned to the river, while the rest of
the frogs died on the land . . .
3. Lice 8: 16-19
At the plague of the lice, the magicians acknowledged that this was the finger of G-d, as they
could not produce or copy.
4. Swarms of flies 8:21-32
5. Plague on the livestock 9:1-7
6. Boils 9:8-14
7. Hail 9:15-26 Exodus 9:27
Pharaoh confessed with his mouth, but his heart was hardened.
By the plague of hail, some Egyptians had become believers.
8. Locusts 10:3-17
9. Darkness 10:18-29
The plague of three days of darkness always bring to mind the three hours of darkness before
Messiah died.
10. The death of the firstborn
Although all are quite ominous, the Passover and death of the firstborn was uniquely symbolic
of Messiah.
The only begotten son of YHWH was/is the perfect Passover Lamb and yet is also referred to
as the firstborn.
His death and shed blood is the only means of salvation for a dark and sinful world, the deliverance for a people enslaved in bondage.
The Exodus was not only a deliverance and leaving, but a new beginning, with the Red Sea symbolic of baptism . . .
Read John 14 and Exodus 21:32, the cost of a slave . . . 30 pieces of silver
The lamb that was slain for the first Passover, although necessary for obedience, was only symbolic of the Lam who would die for our deliverance and forgiveness. The willingness to sacrifice is prelude to freedom.
The first step in the struggle to lift the yoke of bondage must be marked with the realization, one cannot free themselves. Liberty is not achieved or maintained by complacency. It is not won without suffering. Freedom is accomplished by selflessness and sacrifice; won by courage. Y’hshuwah said if it be possible, but not my will, but Thine be done; and that is what it is to follow Him.
Thus do we bow before YHWH our Maker, Master and Creator of life, for the redemption He has brought.
I’ve changed the word“would” to “should” in each line of the Dayenu and added a final line.
For all Thy acts of kindness, we are most grateful and content.
If Thy only act of kindness were to deliver us from the bondage of Egypt,
we should have been grateful and content.
If Thy only act of deliverance was the bringing of the plagues,
we should have been grateful and content.
If Thy only act of mercy was to divide the Red sea waters,
we should have been grateful and content.
If Thy only act of mercy was to provide the manna in the desert,
we should have been grateful and content.
If Thy only act of graciousness was the gift of a Sabbath day,
we should have been grateful and content.
If Thy only act of love was to favor us with Thy written Torah,
we should have been grateful and content.
If Thy only act of loving-kindness was to bring us into the Land flowing with milk and honey,
we should have been grateful and content.
All this, and yet in grace, You gave us Your Son,
for this we are eternally grateful and content.
Read John 15:1-14
Matzo is the symbol of haste and sinlessness. Be ready!
Read John 16:32-33
Bitter herbs are symbolic of the bitterness of slavery and bondage, forced labor and containment.
· I do have salt water, for which to dip matzo or herbs, salt; in recognition of covenant and water symbolizing the Living Water.
Read Exodus 3:5-15 and John 4:10-14
This is not a Jewish Feast, it is the Passover of YHWH. A mixed multitude entered a covenant agreement Exodus 12:38
Read John 17:1-17
John 19:1-42
Eat the meal,following another blessing over the wine and bread.
Mark 14:22-14:26
Luke 21:28
L-shanah haba’ah chadash Yirushalayim im Y’hshuwah HaMoshiyach
Next year in New Jerusalem with Y’hshuwah Messiah.