Imagination vs. inspiration
Regret - restoration
Optimism - hopeful
Tenacity-never give up. Quitters never win
Overachiever - no mediocrity
Idealist - encourager
Despair - delight
Grit - Isaiah 50:7
Stoicism - do not show emotion can become do not feel
Workaholic - busy being busy vs., busy about our Father’s business
Passive - patient/gentle
***Resignation - reconciliation
Inadequate - undeserving lack of mainstream education - humility
2. Obligation - circumstances of pre-covenant consequences
3. Expectations
4. Fear
5. Distractions things that get in the way . . . Writing this book for instance
6. Stipulation
7. Habits
8. Tradition Religious opinions
9. Devotion
10. Preparation
11. Lack of Education
12. Resignation